After an epic week, we finally caught our plane to New Zealand..
We’d been looking forward to this day for so long it felt bizarre that it’d finally arrived. Suddenly I found myself on a plane after days of rushing around packing boxes, cleaning the house, hectic weddings, and several boozy doo’s kissing friends goodbye… And so, kicked out the house, we set off to become the homeless hobo, foreign immigrant tramps we’d been dreaming about ;) Goodbye hair dryer. Goodbye showers. Goodbye comfy bed. We were off!
24hours of shear teeth pulling hell lay ahead in the form of an airplane torture chair, or so we thought. But you know what? It wasn’t too bad. In fact, the food was amazing! Lamb curry and fry up in proper little plates. Toy story 3 and Predators movies kept us going, as did a 3 hr marathon MahJong session. Air New Zealand gets a thumbs up from me. And it wasn’t too bouncy either considering they were flying us just ahead if a super cyclone about to hit the Phillipines and Hong Kong? Awesome work pilot for getting us there safe and vomit free. Thank you! :D
Oh yeh, the other weird thing. Time travel! We managed to get on on Saturday and land on Monday, get 2 mini days and nights in, but all in 24hrs. So I think basically Sunday didn’t exist…? Whatever, but it makes your body feel a bit weird I can tell you! Doctor Who must have had a strong composure is all I can say :)
Flights = 1, Sleep = 0, Lamb =1