..and so the Stream Jumping begins..
The shots from this section have been interesting to edit and put together, we now have 3 monster cameras (Canon 5D x2, plus Nikon D3s) capturing the action from every angle. This means I have 3 times as many photos to wade through when making the final selection for the blog (hence recent delays..), but it does mean we caught a lot of ‘action’ that sometimes gets missed. Looking over this section the thing that stands out is stream jumping shots, we took a shit load! This is the first, but won’t be the last :)
Ollie Engages Warp Drive!
It was a long, long wobbly-wire and slatted-wooden bridge through the forrest from one side of this roaring river to the other. I took Nico’s Swedish Army training lead and we warped-it accross in no time. Well, my camera zoom did at any rate ;-) I on the other hand held onto the wire tight, only remembering to breath when the startling view below made me auto-exhale into the gleaming sunshine as it twinkled through the canopy of leaves and onto the meandering swash (technical terminology i believe for warp-speed water what wanders ;-) making me giddy with brunch o’clock fright ‘n’ delight.
Cookie Gets His Shot on the edge of ‘Heads Leap’
Amazing scale in this shot. It helps show how enormous the features of the landscape are here. Very hard to express that to you in the shots. A lot of the time you feel like tiny ants walking around in a giant’s world made of rock and ice. Except on big climbs. There you feel like Zeus, or some kind of giant, looking down over your miniaturised kingdom. I can imagine the inspiration for Gulliver’s travels could have easily come from mountain climbing. And your constant sense of physical proportion in fluctuation.