I woke up in the night… And absolutely shit myself, to the sound of booming rawing animal calls. Absolutely dying for a wee, I sat bolt upright listening to the huge echoing sound. What the **** was it?? Maybe a stag? Shit! They’re BIG… We’d heard gun shots while cooking our tea on the pathway. Shit there’s stag hunters in here.
Pitch black outside I debated on putting me head torch on. “That girl got shot a couple-o-months back in a deer hunting spot.” ( The LED lights mistaken for reflecting deer eyes ). I was a bit nervous!

We heard a lot of roaring, but never saw any of the stags. I think they were probably farmed deer in one of the adjacent fields, not roaming wild.
I love walking through forest in the mornings, beams of light piercing through the canopy and lighting up patches of forest floor. Magical.
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