A bit of a shame that Ollie and Nico have crossed the entire planet Earth to get to summer, and when they get here it rains! Nooooooo! But luckily it doesn’t last for too long and some sun-burning got well underway a bit further up the trail.
“Have you done any training yet?” I was oft asked in the weeks up to joining Nicky and Cookie. I presumed everyone meant walking up steep hills (check) running up flights of escalators on the tube (check) eating porridge for breakfast (check. oh, & yum!) BUT…walking down waterfalls shortly after dawn-break, in the rain, through torrents of white-water??!! (check mate New Zealand!) And so I discovered that Nicky and Cookie eat this type of terrain – the real breakfast of tramping champions – all on morning number one! Beats a strong coffee to wake you up i tell ya. And yes, it was totally ‘sweet as’!
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