So, it was getting pretty warm. Time for a dip perhaps? Break out the snorkel? Sitting down for too long after walking, walking, walking every day was only possible for so long. The weirdest thing? Having the same scenery for more than about an hour starts to confuse the brain. You can’t tell what time it is, oddly. A confused sensation of timelessness arises from not having the last hour’s progress across the landscape to look back on. If space doesn’t change, then neither does the time. Strangely, time and space have become linked in my perception. And being lost in time – paused – we don’t really know what to do with ourselves!
Hmm… Fancy a walk?
The lagoon was warm, shallow and full of coral reefs and fish. I was expecting such, so before we left New Zealand I bought a little underwater camera to capture some of our aquatic antics.
The minuscule GoPro camera is fun to play with – there’s no focus or other settings, no view finder, I just set it to take pictures every few seconds (or video) and see what comes out. Best of all, it has a hilariously distorted fish eye lens!
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