We’re building a tin foil rocket! … No not really. It’s a rickety trig point. If you don’t know what a trig point is ( I didn’t til recently ) it’s one of these triangular structures you find on the top of peaks, used to measure the position and height of mountains for cartography. Apparently? :) They seem to come in varying levels of robustness. And this one is on it’s last (two) legs.
The weather up here can get pretty hairy at times. You can see there’s a grave behind me. This belongs to Ralph Wood, poor fella, who ended up trying to crawl back down on his hands and knees as the winds were so violent. Doesn’t make you feel to at ease up here! Cookie explains >
We’d been flicking through a booklet on the chronology of the Tararua Range in the hut last night, depressingly it listed everyone to be killed or badly injured and airlifted to safety over the years… One of the earliest entries was this chap, Ralph Wood, whose cross is at the summit of Twin Peak. Poor bloke expired on the way to the safety of Waiopehu Hut in a really bad storm, his friends eventually made it to the hut only to find it blown away..
Shouldn’t laugh, but the funniest entry was an army man who went hunting in the Tararua with hand grenades! As you can imagine, he held on to one for too long and blew himself up..
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