Some wicked steamy pools of all sorts of colours here. They feel almost alien to look at. You’re imagining what bizarre undiscovered creatures could spring up at you from the depths of the earth. You get walls of hot sauna steam hit your skin, followed by gusts of icy wind. Very odd sensation. Interesting though!
We couldn’t leave the area without seeing some real geothermal action, so we decided to spend our dollars on Wai-O-Tapu Geothermal Wonderland! My mum reckoned “it’s got a more colourfull brochure than the others”. I agree, it wasn’t quite on par with Yellowstone, but maybe my yard stick is too hard to beat..
Champagne Pool pictured is one of it’s star attractions. With a crater 65m in diameter and a depth of approximately 62m, this is one pretty huge and impressive hot spring!