I fought long and hard on this one. “This is not a shot the internet really needs to see Cookie. Honestly?”. But as you can see I lost. And here we are with our farmers tans for the record! The good thing about being outside for so long, is that even with factor 30 on, you go brown in the end. Trouble is that the sun doesn’t permeate the giant bag on your back very easily! So you end up with a radioactive white belly, and nice brown hands and knees. It’s a bit of a shock sometimes when you strip off for the weekly shower, and the room is bathed in a stark white glow reflecting from your mid rift!
Ps. If you’re wondering about the budgie reference… Read Cookie’s bit. I was not smuggling any small birds.

Sorry Nicky, what started as an innocent act of tanning ended in this.. I’m no stranger to embarrassing myself for comedy effect and thought this was too funny not post :D We saw a poster in a Wanganui shop window referring to ‘speedos’ as
Budgie Smugglers, I almost fell over laughing. I’d like to think there was a real life historical event where someone actually smuggled a budgerigar down their pants and thus creating this fantastic phrase, who knows. I’ve actually been counting down the days, waiting for an opportunity to drop this bit of Kiwi slang into a blog post, yes at last!
Some other variations recently discovered – Dick pointers, dick togs, sluggos, cock jocks and banana hammock. Feel free to comment with anymore!