A bit sleepy and snoozy after our few busy days of blogging and beering, we bumbled our way out of the woods and across the cattle tracks around Lake Sumner. Behind us loomed a billowing wall of darkening cloud, rolling toward us at speed, fluffily consuming the landscape like a ravenous marshmallow man. Turning round I pulled that diagonal-mouth face, only used to express situations of an ‘…oooh, bugger’ nature. You appreciate your grim fate but you’re just not looking forward to the ‘hanging about’ bit while it comes to get you.
It’s Pack-a-Mac time.

There seems to be some obvious spelling mistakes around these parts, we’ve just come from
Hanmer Springs, this here is
Lake Sumner.. What’s with the switching of the M’s for the N’s? It’s bloody confusing!
But what do I know, I’m just a cow, oh look grass (munch munch).
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