Wey hey a duvet day! ;) Well, kind of. We’ve not talked much about rest days. But on average we try and take a day off from walking about once a week. By then we are normally well in need of a hose down, and fantasizing about having a beer and a proper cooked meal. In fact it’s funny what you find yourself longing for when your a few days from town. I think the thing I’d often kill for is orange juice :) Or a big juicy grapefruit. Mmm! But I’d imagined before the walk that it’d have been steak or something meaty, but actually it’s fresh fruit and salad I crave. Something with nutrients in! ( Ok … and Fish and chips ;) )

We thought we’d pass a dairy this morning at the junction of
Oakura Road, but the man doing work on the building that looked like it
used to be a dairy said it was a mile down the road. Our anticipation of fizzy pop encouraged us to make the detour and once we were down there and discovered the beautiful bay with a fish & chip shop, we decided to stay for a day!
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