We’d decided to try and find a camp before we hit Paihia instead of blowing cash on a motel. And it turned out to be an awesome decision as it lead us to this phenomenal spot. I’m sat typing this in front of a wide gushing waterfall, surrounded by forest, giant date palms, and blue sky. And yet I can still grab a shower if I want.
Perfect! I awoke in the night and stepped out to see spectacular starry sky set against the subtly illuminated falls. Beautiful. Olga and Andre the owners are really lovely down to earth characters. It’s a must-stay if you’re in town! :D Its lush. ( Thinking about trying my fishing rod in a minute… ).

Found this
amazingly situated campsite, right on the edge of the water overlooking the
Haruru Falls. Kind of found it by accident
(we were a bit off trail), but once we spotted it from across the river we made a beeline straight for it.
Bizarrely today has been the day of friendly Kiwi folk, this morning our motel manager kindly drove us to the bus stop in Kaitaia, in KeriKeri an old woman stopped us in the street and asked us if we’d like to stay in her house for a week while she was away (very tempting), and finally the guys at this motel drove us to the supermarket this evening to get some beers! We’re definitely in friendly central at the moment :)
We stopped off at this spot but it didn’t look this good, I was winter though. If your into surfing, then down the southern end of ninty mile beach, the township of Ahipara has Shipwreak Bay. Amazing spot for a wave.
Hi Nicky & Cookie, sorry we missed you before you left this morning, glad you had a good time on the campground, really nice to have you both stay!! all the best for your travels southwards, hope the legs dont give out!!! come back to see us at some stage…..maybe the honeymoon and stay in the motel!!! All the best, take care.
Hi Olga & Andre! Thanks for having us. It was by far and away the loveliest spot we’ve had the pleasure to sleep at :) We had so much fun in the kayaks and only wish I’d taken my fishing rod out to the deeper water by the nesting birds to try and get some mullet ;) Andre says mullet are impossible to catch though? Wish we could have stayed longer. Good luck with the site. What a lovely place for Hunter to grow up in :) Nicky & Cookie xx
My girlfriend and I will be doing a modified version of your hike, and we hate paying for hotels…which leads me to ask…Is this actually a “campsite” or simply a spot where you put your tent?
What kind of impressions did you get about camping in parks or public areas? Do people often mind?
Thanks for your help :)