So this is the Official Start to the “Te Araroa Part Deux… The Revenge”, the Cook monument. As you can imagine Cookie was excited to see a huge lump of rock with his name on. And with the sun out and surrounded by palms, ferns, and turquoise water, we felt much more in the ‘Half Way celebratory mood’ than back over in wet grey Welly. Part Two started to feel like it might not be all cold grey mountain despair, and might include some tropical summer sunshine and fun after all :) After a leisurely boat trip over, a good stint mucking about taking photos and dancing for the video, plus a few shots a-straddle-the-cannon, and some time reading the info boards, we’d left ourselves only a half day’s walking to do :)
Not sure how well known Captain Cook is around the world? But he’s pretty famous back home and here in New Zealand. The first European to set foot on New Zealand soil, plant a flag for king and country and all that. He first landed here at Ship Cove in January 1770 and by all accounts did a stirling job of mapping New Zealand’s coastline.
It’s not every day that you get to a massive monument with your name all over it, we were both quite duly excited (Nicky will be a Cook soon too). We’re not related though, well not that I know about!
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