The views up here were amazing. Mount Awful topped with it’s fading glacier looks to form a skull or shadowy portrait. A darkly characterful mountain. And so close too. Photos always make things look so far away. This guy looked pretty mean, and loomed over us as we rustled up the sandwiches. The jolly warden from Young Hut passed us on the way over to Siberia Hut ( our original destination for the night ). Sounds nippy down there in the next valley!

Mt Awesome? No that would a silly name, let’s call it Mt Awful instead!? I did ask the hut warden at Youngs if there was a story behind it’s name, he reckoned it could of been originally called ‘awe-full’, as in filled with awe, but nobody really knows. Nearby there’s also a Mt Dreadfull, so I reckon it’s just a bit of a laugh!
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