Turns out they’re actually nocturnal little fellas so we’ll have to keep our eyes peeled when we pop out the tent for a wee in the night ;)
Twin Bole Kauri
Another big’en. This was quite a magical spot hidden off the road – sun beaming through. Pretty awesome spot for an elevenses snack I’d say ? :)
Fairly uneventful road walk today, only thing worthy of note was that it was a pretty dry section, didn’t pass any water other than swampy stagnant stuff. Heard a stream just before the Kauri Grove and nailed it down the left hand side of the road to reach it, turned out to be further away (downwards) than it sounded!
Top Tip – It was bloody steep drop down to the stream, in retrospect if you need water here, walk 5-10 min past the grove. There’s an old landslide here that’s cleared what looked like a much easier way through the forest down to the stream.
The first Kauri Grove was a bit of a detour and the trees not really as impressive as others already seen. A bit further along the road though is a Twin Bole Kauri (signed from the road), this bad boy is huge, easy to get to and well worth a look.
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