So I’ve calmed down (a bit) now :) I was a bit rattled yesterday to say the least! But we’ve had the day to chill and recuperate in the guest house. The river looks high and brown when I look out the window. Bit apprehensive to be honest about getting back on the water. But I’m assured by everyone that it’ll be fine and there’s no way we’ll capsize with the guide on board tomorrow. We’re yet to find out if the river is calm enough to head out on… We’ll see! Still feeling a bit rough today. So I’m really glad of a day off to hide under a duvet to be honest :)
Thankfully the weather is so poor at the moment, they’re not putting anyone in the water today, rivers seem to busting their banks all over the country.. So we have a bit more time to chill out and consider our options. The bright side of our present situation is – we realised we were a bit out of our depth, didn’t go very far, so made it back quickly and safely.
The new plan is to hire a local river guide to steer our canoe and teach us the ways of the river (when it’s safe to do so!). Our guide is actually one of the Karen’s
(many) children, in fact the same guy who came to help us transport the canoe out the farm and got a right ‘croc of shit’ for his troubles. He promises that with him at the helm Nicky will never fall in again
(sorry Nicky, it was obviously all my fault..). I’ll be on my own in a single kayak, so don’t worry there should still be thrills, spills and stories a plenty of me crashing all over the shop!
Hi! And greetings from Helsinki, Finland!
This is awesome blog you have here, I really like it. The design is great and being a fan of travelling, it’s nice to read you diaries across the journey.
Keep up the good work!