Para-Para-Ooo-Moooo ? Or Paa-Rappa-Row-Mu ? A fusion perhaps… Para-Parh-Oooh-Mooo … God knows how you pronounce this one! I think Cookie and I tried about 10 variations on Paraparaumu, but I’m not convinced any are on the money! Totally need Maori lessons.
We picked away along the thin strip of raised sand thinking it was the only bit on show as the tide was in. Turns out the tide was actually out in this picture! We’d find that out shortly enough ;) Heads down, we battled towards our goal – Half way Wellington!

much of a beach along this stretch, becomes very narrow after Paraparaumu. After Raumati there were more broken slabs of concrete and rusting bits of sea defenses than actually sand..
Great views across to Kapiti Island though, I suppose that’s why there are still plenty of expensive looking houses along it.
Truly when someone doesn’t be aware of afterward its up to other people that
they will assist, so here it takes place.
It’s important to keep our transportation infrastructure up to speed.
Or you can take up the archery equivalent of clay pigeon shooting,
which is known as field archery. Now you will be getting variation which will help you prevent the onset of staleness.