We got ‘im! This chap has been signing into hut books all over the country and finally we bagged him. Some people go into the mountains to go ‘peak bagging’, we go ‘Te Araroa Tramper Bagging’. We saw his name first in the gnarly Tararuas, ( A mean old section with a reputation for eating trampers ) as he nipped through just before the cyclone came… And then he popped up in a hut going the other way on the Richmond Alpine Route, just before our I’ll fated dash for Top Wairoa hut in the rain…. Hang on a minute, there’s a pattern of doom emerging here I just realized… ;)
And today, just as we least expect it, we pop into a hut for a lunchtime snooze and there he is again! How many of these Dominic Klings are there? There must be loads dotted round the mountains.
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