Even the cop shop was getting in on the puns. The Cafe? Delect-a-Bull. Playschool -> Love-a-Bull. McDonalds -> Edi-Bull. Subway -> Submerge-a-Bull … and so on ;) Bull murals all over the place showing all the people with bull heads. Brilliant to find such a comedy town just when you need some entertainment. Some great vintage, retro antique shops here too. If the postage was cheap I’d have bought a giant compass, a crown green bowling set, and some 50’s traffic lights. Great bargains! Neat Antique Radio museum here too is worth a gander. A small town but packed with goodness :)

Even had an old fashioned sweetie shop selling Floral Gums & Cherry Lips (my personal favorite). I think if I lived here I would get tired of the bull puns
very quickly, but fun town town to pass through :)
Maybe Bulls should twin with my home town – ‘Uddersfield..
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