Pelorus Bridge was tiny. Basically just the DOC camp. Pictures from only a month ago at Christmas showed the effects of a week of rain on the campers there. I remember it on the news now. Cars submerged, floating tents, toilet blocks chest deep in mud. The river sits way way down in a gully in fact. I could never imagine how it could have risen the height of a house. Crazy! Just didn’t seem possible. Lesson learned: Never underestimate the kiwi river.

We’ve been hearing the constant drone of Cicada Beetles ever since we arrived on the South Island. We keep straining to see what’s causing all the racket in the bush, but could never spot the well camouflaged blighters.. Until now! This chap came to join us for dinner and he wasn’t camera shy. Also for dinner was this impressive pie from the campsite cafe, apparently their Chicken & Camembert pie is award winning, but I couldn’t resist the
Hawaiian Wild Rabbit Pie, what a combination?!
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