We’re at Bluff! The mythical, legendary place we’ve been trekking towards all these long sweaty, blister-inducing months. Woo! It’s an odd looking circular island-like nub at the very very bottom of the South Island. Like a droplet of left over land trying to escape :) We’re doing a quick circuit to check it out, and this slab of rock is at the very top of the hill in the centre. It’s not quite the end point, but close! Although it won’t really mean much to any ‘normal’ person, seeing that little five letter word carved into stone finally, well, it almost brings a little tear to my eye that does! :D
We got into Bluff last night, decided climb ‘The Bluff’ this morning, then head down to coastal path and around to the main event -Stirling Point this afternoon.
Apparently Bluff is made up of a big volcanic bubble of this black granite stuff opposite.
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