Er 2hrs?? Ha ha! 5hrs more like. Or for me anyway. Let’s say that when the ‘nimble mountain goat’ gene was being shuffled in the deck, it was dealt out when I was on a toilet break. Big slippey boulders are not my thing!
I made it though. And without a single bone piercing my skin ( which is what I instantly assume will happen when confronted with steep fiddley decents! ) Whahoo! :D …and phew. Now – only that giant spiky mountain to deal with now… Should be a piece of piss no ?
Today was a 12 miler to the hut, which is our normal target for daily mileage. But I knew it would be tough because we’d had 3 days off in Hahei (so were a bit rusty), plus it was mostly all up hill. We were doing really well though, I remember telling Nicky “It’s only a couple of miles away, we should be there in an hour”. Then we happened upon this sign at the Moss Creek junction, 2 hours for 2 miles means the trail must be pretty rough. Sure enough, just round the corner the trail fell away in jumble of boulders and mud. By the time we’d weighed up the options, it was already too late for Plan A to the hut, so we back-tracked to Plan B, camping in the bush and me legging it back a mile or so to the last water we’d past to cook our dinner with.
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