Our hosts Josh and Mitch have boundless energy, and entertain us all evening till well into the darkness with eyebrow-raising jokes, and many a hunting story. My favorite of which involves the wrestling of stags to the ground with their bare hands after shooting them in the bum, and great debates over the pros and cons of each of their numerous gun collections … I think kiwi chaps are brought up slightly differently to our uk fellas! It all feels a lot more wild west here. If you get stabbed in the arse by an antler it’s considered a right laugh rather than material for an episode of Casualty… I’m going to have to toughen up!

Yep we were even shown the pictures of Josh stood over the dead stag (that we’ll be eating tomorrow) bare-chested of course, just after he’d wrestled it to death! After dinner we shared some of our wine with the boys while they entertained us with their drinking escapades and many culturally dubious jokes.. When asked
“Who was in charge of those children?” all we could say was,
“actually they’re in charge of us, they’re our guides down the river..!”
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