Cookie is always a good model for a photo :) I think he has a more expressive face than me. And whenever there’s a chance for a comedy picture he’s always right there! It was incredibly gusty on the boat on the way over but roasting hot at the same time, so it made for some fun mucking about on deck trying to keep our shorts from flapping up and our t-shirts from turn inside out :)
Cookie even spotted some wild dolphins chasing us and leaping in and out of the wake. I was inside eating my fish and chips ( with a nice glass of wine ) and missed them – doh! Who had the best deal there?

Windy Welly was nothing compared to the wind we encountered on the Cook Straight, the force of it tipped the ferry over on to a jaunty angle as we sailed across. But we had a lot of fun battling our way along the side decks taking pictures of each other getting blasted by it!
Love this picture Nicky took of me :)
Top Tip: We choose Interislander Ferry mainly because of their nice ads on the telly, but after buying our ticket online and heading down to the docks we realized that the Bluebridge ferry company has a much more centrally located port for folk on foot like us..
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