Danger! Falling rocks Cookie you’re going to dig me out if it collapses aren’t you? … Bugger it. I’m not swimming round. Go go go! ….
A huge tourist attraction of all the local coast line here is Cathedral Cove because of the arching church-like tunnel between bays. But it seems it’s been collapsing a bit of late and there’s a swathe of health and safety signs nailed around it ( which really accentuates the natural beauty of the area ;) ).

Ok, we’re by the coast, there’s bits of cliff face falling down all the time, I think the DOC’s healthy & safety department is getting a bit carried away here. I didn’t mind the half dozen signs on the way here saying “Don’t go through the arch whatever you do!”, but to spoil my photo of the arch, that’s just taking the piss.. The cynic in me think’s it’s just a ploy to get you to hire a kayak by blocking land access to the cove..?
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