Wondering along the edge of the state highway in a torrential downpour – giant American style juggernauts thundering through the water just inches away – a car pulls up, a lady jumps out and drags us in. “You can’t be out wondering the highway in this! Are you mental?”. So we jump in … and she speeds us to our local camp spot for the night: Dickey Flat. ( Comedy name ;) )
The river by this camp spot, the Waitawheta, was supposed to be a great fishing spot. But in the drizzly evening rain we decided to give it a miss and get in our sleeping bags for a spot of Angry Birds ( well on our way to four stars on every level – sweet! )
Not sure if it was the weather or the friendliness of folk round here, but we randomly got offered lifts all day today. We were trying to be good after doing the naughty Thames bypass thing, so kept turning them down. Until the last lady who just wouldn’t take no for an answer offered us a lift to the nearby DOC campsite. I really wanted a lift, but we’d just got to the main road and more importantly a big Tui’s sign hanging above a pub. I didn’t want a lift because I wanted a pint instead, but the lady insisted the road was far too dangerous to walk along this time of year (while reversing back along it into oncoming traffic!), so we felt obliged to take the ride.
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