Cookie’s pretty much covered it in his post, but just to clarify… WE SAW NAKED PEOPLE. Minding my own business and casually scanning the DOC log book for other Te Araroa hikers when I hear someone at the water tap behind me. Assuming it was Cookie I turn around only to be confronted with a fully naked man. All I can say is, I’m glad I didn’t have my glasses on or there would have been WAY too much detail.

We were glad to leave Bay of Many Coves Camp and get away from the nudist Germans who were freaking us out a bit.. It wasn’t just because they were naked, they were generally a bit strange, from a distance I actually thought the guy looked more like a girl and the girl looked more like a guy.. Maybe that’s why they were naked, just to clarify what sex they were?
We passed by Blackrock shelter and saw in the book a fellow TA hiker Tengu had past through 2 weeks ago, we’ve only just discovered his online journal, if you’re interested in the trail or just want a good read you should check it out, it cracks me up every time we check it in town, wonderfully written and brilliantly funny.
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