The smile on my face is beginning to crystalize into a giant immovable grin. I’ve been taken over with a quiet excitement brought on by the realisation at we actually
are in the Pacific, we’re in an actual lagoon, and we’re speeding towards one of the best places on earth… ( with real
wild palm trees ). An
actual desert island. “For real”. Quite a lot for my little noggin’ to fully comprehend without exploding with awesomeness overload.
First impression of the Aitutaki lagoon? Jesus Christ, have you seen the colour of this thing? And it’s huge, like a massive crystal clear lake slap bang in the middle of the Pacific.
W O W !
Quite a bumpy ride across it though, at one point the ‘captain’ looked back with a worried look on his face, I think he thought we might of tipped out the back!
Hey Nicky,
I’m sitting next to Ollie! Small world eh ?
Looks like you’re having a fantastic adventure : )
Words and pictures simply can’t describe this place can it. I just remember standing there in utter awe at how stunning it was. It’s a 360 jaw-dropping sight eh. I’d love to go back again one day. It’s still my favourite passport stamp – One Foot Island! Haha.