At one point I didn’t think we were going to make it out today, but a lunchtime snooze re-energised Nicky to keep going and we made it out to the road about 5.30pm. 20 min of thumb waving secured us a lift down to the Hanmer Springs turn off with a lovely couple returning from a wedding. They were heading back home to Christchurch, crikey.. Hope they are ok.. The next hitch came along in a matter if seconds, first car in fact! We’re now in Hanmer Springs resting and resupplying for the next section to Arthur’s Pass.
Crossing Boyle River and the last mile down to the road
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We keep looking for your travel photos on line, and we hope you where in a safe spot on Tuesday.
Phil and Anne
Great progress guys. Watch the weather in Authers Pass, when we crossed from Christchurch to Greymouth on the Tranz Alpine train on 22nd Decemebr last year they had 400mm of rain the previous night. Yes one night! Made magestic views from the train as you can imagine, but perish the thought of the hikers being soaked in that rain. Best of luck to you both and remeber ‘every step is a step closer to the Bluff. We’re keeping an eye out for you!